Our vision is to show the love of Jesus in our community.
Welcome to Aston and Cote Community Church (ACCC). We are a thriving family church in the heart of the village community, made up of residents of Aston and the villages around. We cover all ages, from new born to 90s and our regular Sunday meetings at 10.00am at the Fellowship Centre are family-friendly, informal and contemporary in style.
Coming up!.
Sunday 16th February 10.00am Worship, preaching and children’s groups. Alastair Barnett will be speaking on ‘A New and Living Way’, as part of our series on ‘All Things New’.
Details of all events and meetings can be found here.
If you would like someone to get in touch with you, or would like to ask for prayer, please use one of the contact details in the ‘CONTACT US’ menu. We’d love to hear from yo
Spring 2025 at ACCC
For the coming term our talks are all on the theme of ‘All Things New’, looking at God’s big redemption plans in Christ, for humanity and creation.
Most weeks will involve a talk for adults and separate children’s activities. Roughly once a month we have an all-age service, where the children stay in throughout.
We are also excited to be able to run a full programme of midweek and smaller group activities. These include small home group meetings, men’s and women’s activities (including men’s curry night!), prayer breakfast and Chillax – our monthly youth club for school years 7-9. Click here for details of youth activities.
Click here to view our recent talks and videos.
What we do:
Our main weekly meeting is a worship service on Sundays at 10.00am. From time to time, we meet jointly with our sister churches in the Salt and Light Advance network in a Celebration held in the King’s Centre, Oxford at 10.30am.
We meet in a variety of ways midweek. See the calendar of events for details of what is happening when.
- Twice a month we meet in smaller midweek groups. The Penny Black group meets on Tuesday afternoons at 2.30pm, the Wheelwright group meets at 8.00pm on Tuesday evenings. A family group meets for tea and activities at 5.30pm on Tuesdays. These groups provide an opportunity for fellowship, discussion, worship and prayer in a more informal context, where everyone can feel able to contribute. They also serve as a means of pastoral care for members of the church.
- Once a month the men and women meet separately for food and friendship. This may be in a local restaurant or pub, or in someone’s home.
- Twice a month we meet together as a church for prayer. We meet at 8.00am on the first Saturday of the month for an hour’s prayer, followed by breakfast together. We also meet together on the third Tuesday of the month for an hour of prayer at 7.45pm.
We run ALPHA courses on a regular basis in the church. For more information, please contact Alastair Barnett on accc@rootsandrivers.uk
Chillax started in September 2011 as a monthly Friday night youth club at the Fellowship Centre for young people in Years 7 to Year 9 of secondary school. We have been blessed with many gifts of equipment, including donations from the village Fete Committee and Bampton Welfare Trust. On a typical Chillax evening the young people have a choice of air hockey, snooker, table football, table tennis and PS4. Usually there is a craft activity and board games available too, along with ever popular tuck shop and the opportunity to just hang out and chill with friends. There is also a ‘ten-minute-talk’ slot where we share a short thought or challenge from a Christian perspective.
All of our volunteers are DBS checked. Chillax usually runs on the 2nd Friday of each month 7.30pm to 9pm and is advertised on the “What’s on in Aston & Cote” Facebook page. Click here for full details of youth activities.
- All our Sunday meetings are family friendly and will often begin with a short activity designed for the children. Part way through the service, the children will go to one of the rooms in the Fellowship Centre for a time of games, activities and Bible teaching suitable for their age group. These sessions are led by DBS-checked leaders, under the oversight of a trained primary school teacher and using professionally produced children’s activity materials.
- We do not currently have a formal creche for children under the age of three, but there are rooms for parents to take their children to, toys available and space at the back of the main hall with soft seating, where parents can relax and oversee their young children, while still listening into the main meeting.
We are part of a family of churches across Oxfordshire and beyond, known as Salt and Light Advance.
As a family of churches we are stronger together than we are apart, so there are many things we do together including:
- Celebrations – roughly once a term we meet jointly on a Sunday morning for a large, inter-church Celebration, which is a time of corporate worship, teaching and envisioning, with a full programme of youth and children’s activities.
- Training – we work together to provide training in areas including leadership development, worship, evangelism, prophetic ministry, and preaching.
- Theology – we run theological forums and send people for theological training at the King’s School of Theology [https://kingstheology.org/] where we offer flexible part-time theological training with an emphasis on ministry and application.
- Youth – we regularly draw together our youth from across the region for adventure days, worship and much more
We support several organisations and individuals beyond our own immediate locality. Currently, we actively support these ministries:
- The Fellowship Centre is available to hire by outside individuals and organisations and is regularly used for meetings, quiz nights, birthday parties, small conferences etc. For all information relating to Hall Hire, please contact Andrew Long on 01993 850271 or ag.long@btinternet.com